Our Vision

Our vision is a world where peoples and communities are equipped and enabled to create sustainable societies, economic security and environmentally friendly environments for all.


We engage, empower, and equip rural and urban communities in Africa with access to quality education, products, business/digital skills, income growth and Agric-entrepreneurship in an effort to eliminate poverty, improve health, save time and money, while protecting traditions and beliefs.


Over 460 million Africans Live on Less than $1.90 per Day

We believe that sustainable impact and transformation is community led. Our community managers, partners and women group leaders all help to expedite innovative solutions and programs addressing the challenges presented by gender inequality, digital gender divide, poverty and climate change.

Nutritious Food

When rural households cannot afford to buy nutritious food or farm inputs that they need to grow their own food, they go to bed hungry and live with hunger and malnutrition. How then can they afford other basic needs? Day after day, they live in fear not knowing when, where and how they will feed.


Poverty not only causes hunger; it also affects education especially in rural communities. Rural households and families are not able to afford a meal let alone education.

Clean Water

Women and youth in rural and remote communities walk long distances like an average of 6 hours every single day to fetch water for consumption and most times the water is not clean thereby putting them at risk of water borne diseases.


Sanitation, hygiene, and mental health care are essential for rural households to survive in Africa, particularly in rural Nigeria.


Our programs provide hope, confidence and income generating opportunities that meet the basic needs of communities and people who live in poverty, especially women and youth, so they can eventually sustain themselves. This is driven through a proven model that engages, empowers and equips communities with access to education, food, water, sanitation and health.

  • Through our Women Empowerment and Inclusion programs we identify peoples and communities living in extreme poverty, train the women and youth on Agriculture Entrepreneurship, mentor and help them create business groups and start their own small businesses. Our community business groups approach is designed to help reduce the cost of starting a business and encourage team building.

  • We sponsor students in school who don’t have the opportunity to go to school or their parents can’t afford to send them to school.

    We partner with Skills Acquisition centers and tailoring shops to help men and women develop skills that will help them create income for themselves and their families as well as provide jobs.

    In the long-term we plan to raise funds to build training and sewing centers to help men and women develop skills that will help them create income for their families, provide job opportunities for women and girls who will be sewing some of the hygiene kits to be distributed in the communities. At the training centers, our teams will mentor and coach families, especially the women.

  • Access to clean water still remains a challenge for many rural communities in Africa. A large number of communities in Africa have undergone untold hardships with a lot of families displaced and rendered homeless due to floods and unreliable rainfalls.

    To address this, we partner with water experts, donor organizations to improve access to clean water for rural communities and set up small scale water businesses and community “Washpreneurs.” We help bring clean water to our communities by donating water tanks and drilling of boreholes.

  • Research has shown that if young girls in rural communities don’t have access to hygienic products, sanitation, and mental healthcare, they start to miss their periods and classes thereby dropping behind in their classes and may end up dropping out of school. They may also resort to selling their bodies to take care of themselves, which results in unwanted pregnancies, increased diseases, and school dropouts.

    To address this, we partner with experts to provide training in sanitation, hygiene, and mental health as well as distribute our GirlsPride Menstrual Health bundles, which provide the tools that girls need to take care of their menstruation. These kits provide self-esteem and livelihood for young rural women and girls.

Project Design & Management

We believe that sustainable and successful projects are not only community led but requires a deep understanding of each client’s unique needs and goals, know-how and partnerships. We partner with Non-Profit Organizations, Community Development organizations, Civil Society organizations and Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) to design, facilitate funding, implement and manage innovative, sustainable and impact driven programs and projects that align with the SDGs and community goals. Our methodology is flexible and adaptable, allowing us to work with a wide range of organizations and teams and ensuring that projects are delivered on time, within budget, and to the required quality standards.